Tyler Smiley Photography

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In Review - July 2023

Where has the year gone! I’ve had a fast start to August, so while the month is nearly half over already, I’m still struggling with time flying by as fast as it has. It feels like we should still be in July!

Since we are well into a new month, it is about time to look back at the month that was July 2023. Here’s a look back at all the excitement from last month as we continue to work ahead into August.

The photo of the month for July was a really hard decision, believe it or not.

One option I considered was the photo of the red fox poking its head out from behind the trees behind my house, but while I enjoy that image, there was something about this black and white photo of the East End Lighthouse that spoke to me moreso. I took it one cloudy and overcast morning, which really lent itself nicely to a black and white edit instead of the usual color I opt for.

What led me to choose this photo as my image of the month, though, was the lighthouse itself. It was the first time in a long time I went out to photograph it, and I had been enduring a slow month of business. In fact, it was so slow that I started to wonder if pursuing photography full-time really was a good decision after all. But when I edited the photo, and looked at the lighthouse atop that breakwater, I remembered that it has weathered so many storms yet still stands - just like I must do if I am to truly succeed in this line of work. There will always be ups and downs, but I can’t let the highs go to my head and the lows discourage me. I’ve got to keep persevering, and then I will surely find success. Hopefully this image can inspire you in the same way is has me through a rough patch.

Here’s to the next adventure, and see you out there!

- Tyler

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