Tyler Smiley Photography

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Looking at Composite Images

It’s something I started to dabble with a little here and there if I get to the office early. My home computer doesn’t have the power to run full on Photoshop (I use Lightroom for all my editing), but my work computer has Photoshop which I take full advantage of. The results I’ve created so far are just okay - you can tell if you look close enough what’s going on - but I still think it is something I will continue to explore down the road.

The Creation Process

In the end, you are left with the two original files, plus the resulting composite that combined the two. All the images you have seen so far in this blog post are composites - I made them by changing out the sky in the background of the original images for the sky in a different photo I had taken.

What’s the Point of Composite Images?

My composites are not the best - I get it. When they are pulled off, though, they are truly amazing works of art. Use this one from Elliot MacGuire as an example if you don’t believe me.

What do you think about composite images? Do you want to see some more of them from me in the future? Let me know down in the comments, and I’ll catch y’all next time!