Tyler Smiley Photography

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New Year, New Goals

Well, we have officially made it into 2021!

As we work our way into the new year, one thing I always think is important is setting new goals. They’re something to strive towards, plus it always feels good to cross something off a list.

My approach is to set broad goals, and then break them down into little stepping stones I can meet along the way. For example, I want to make sure I go out paddle boarding at least 5 times this year. Naturally, there is only so long I have to do this because of the water temperatures and the fact I don’t have a wet suit to do it in cooler weather. Taking that into consideration, my smaller goals are to go once by then end of May, three times by the end of July, and then have all five done by the end of September.

As far as photography-related goals go, I do set a few here and there because that’s how you ultimately end up growing.

Here are my 2021 Photography Goals:

  • Sell 12 photo prints to people not related to me by the end of the year

  • Buy a new camera by June 1

  • Meet some other local photographers and learn from them (Covid-pending, and no real deadline on it either)

  • Take my drone out to fly more (again, no real deadline or number, but something I should definitely be doing more often)

As with anything, I plan on reevaluating over these goals over time - if they are becoming further and further out of reach, then that shows me I need to readjust and bring them back to be more realistic and attainable.

Remember - despite all the craziness we experienced in 2020, we now get a fresh start. Write your goals down, break them into benchmarks, and see what you can accomplish!

What are some goals you have for 2021? Share them down in the comments section!