2022 - A New Year means New Opportunity
Well, here we are at the start of another year! 2021 came and went in what felt like the blink of an eye, and so 2022 can begin and everyone gets a fresh start.
Presently, I’m starting the year off putting this post together. It’s one of a few goals I have as far as photography and blogging go this year - to make sure I am putting a new blog post out at least once a month. Blogging is my way of showing you all a little bit behind the scenes of Tyler Smiley Photography, and also sharing places I’ve adventured or explored. Adding a new blog post once a month isn’t my only goal for 2022, though. I’ve got a few in mind for Tyler Smiley Photography, and cannot wait to try making them a reality.
First, I would like to get more of my work printed. Currently, I will print photos really only for special occasions, like when I am getting my entries for the Delaware Beach Life Photo Contest ready. Otherwise, I don’t do too much with prints. In 2022, I want that to change, as getting prints done is another way to share my work with others.
Second, I want to start dabbling in video a little bit more. In fact, just yesterday I ordered a microphone so I can get better quality sound when I start recording videos. What I record I’m not really decided on yet, but having a camera it just seems silly not to include some video here and there.
Third, and finally, I want to meet some other photographers in person and maybe even go shoot with them. Already, I have met Kim Johnson, Kevin Lynam, and Susan McLean (all of whom are incredibly talented), but there are so many other photographers in the Lewes/Rehoboth area I’d like to meet as well.
This all just the start, though. We have 364 days to go in 2022, and if you’re like me, then you cannot wait to see what the future may hold.
Happy New Year everyone, and may you have a happy, healthy, and successful 2022!