Delaware Beach Finds

One thing I enjoy doing in my free time is hitting the sand and beachcombing. It is really relaxing, and you never know what you're going to find from one trip to the next.

Gray scallop shell in the sand at sunrise

Some days you find a lot of shells, others not so much. After storms there may be some sea glass or even pieces of pottery, but that is not always the case.

Personally, I really like looking for sea glass. I have so many shells at this point, I don't really know what to do with them. Sea glass on the other hand, is something I did not start finding a lot of until recently.

Macro image of a piece of blue sea glass sitting in the sand
Sea Glass 1.jpg

Finding sea glass is no easy task. To the untrained eye, some pieces will look like sea weed (green), some will not be immediately visible (for me this is any frosty, white piece), and you can't overlook the smallest pieces either.

This makes hunting for glass all the more fun - you never know what size, shape, or color you will find!

My personal favorite color to find is blue. It's not a very common one here along the Delaware Beaches (at least in my experience), so it is always exciting to see.

Dune fence illuminated by the rising sun
A surfer waiting on his board for the next set to roll in

But don't spend all your time beachcombing looking down at the sand, because you will miss out on what's going on around you!

At some area beaches, you will find surfers hitting the water (like this guy pictured above). Up and down the ocean beaches are places for people to drive onto the beach and surf fish.

Sand dollar in the sand with the sunrise serving as back light

This time of year, the beaches are far less crowded, so which makes it a great time to go beachcombing.

You don't have to weave around people, and you also have access to places like The Point at Cape Henlopen State Park that you do not in the summer.

What's your favorite find from beachcombing along the Delaware Beaches, or even the beaches near you? Let me know down in the comments!


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