Tyler Smiley Photography

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Exploring Cape Henlopen

Every year, Cape Henlopen, aka the Point, is open for visitors and locals alike to hike from September 1 (partial opening on the ocean side) through the end of March. During this time, it is not being used by beach-nesting birds like piping plovers, which are an endangered and protected species.

While open, I always make an effort to get out and hike around the cape a few times and take in the sights and sounds of this amazing area. It is one of my favorite hikes in the area, and I have found some of my best sea glass there, including the only piece of purple I’ve ever gotten.

According to Alltrails.com, the walk around Cape Henlopen is approximately 2.5 miles in length. It is beach all the way around, so the soft, sandy terrain may be difficult for some to traverse. Part of the beach on the ocean side is also a drive-on for surf fishing, so be aware of this and keep an eye out for vehicles driving along the sand.

One thing about walking Cape Henlopen that I cannot stress enough, however, is that dogs are not permitted here. This is a rule from Delaware State Parks to help sustain it as a nesting environment for those birds as mentioned earlier, and also to preserve it for other wildlife.

It is important to note this rule applies to dogs only - it is an area of the park where people may ride their horses on the beach, so bear this in mind if you see any horseback riders.

I’m always surprised at how few people I see walking Cape Henlopen when I go - maybe it is just the time of day I’m there, or maybe people don’t realize you can walk it during the fall and winter months. Either way, it is one of my favorite hikes and I’m sure you’ll love it just as much as I do if given the chance to experience it.

As always, let me know if there are any trails or places you think I should check out next and I’ll add them to my list! I’d love to hear what trails, parks, or hidden gems you recommend so I can learn even more about Coastal Delaware and beyond - send them over to tyler@tylersmileyphotography.com or share them as a comment on this blog post for everyone to see!

Thanks for following along, and see you on the next adventure!

- Tyler

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