Introducing the Photographer’s Promise

When I was in college at South Carolina, I took a class in entrepreneurship. It didn’t really have much to do with my human resources major, but counted toward the credit I needed.

That class was a real eye-opener for me. Not only was it a class that pushed me toward wanting to be an entrepreneur and have a business of my own some day, but it also made me realize how businesses have a great platform to make a difference in the world. Now, whenever I work on a business idea, I tell myself that if I cannot tie in some sort of philanthropic arm to go with it, then I don’t know that it’s something I want to get into.

By now, I’m sure you’re wondering, “But, Tyler, you haven’t had anything like that for your photography. Doesn’t that count as a business?”

Well, there is a reason behind that - while I have tried selling photography and very much enjoy the act of going out and creating unique images, before this year I never really viewed it as an actual business. Recently, I decided that needs to change and I want to start treating my photography as more of a true business. With that decision came the realization I would have to stick to my word and establish some sort of philanthropic plan to go along with my venture.

Enter The Photographer’s Promise.

With this new program, which will go into effect for all purchases starting today, I will set aside 15% of my profits to donate to organizations whose causes and visions I support. These organizations don’t have to be big global ones either - I want to make sure I’m spreading the wealth and giving to organizations here in Sussex County and other local communities as well.

The organizations I see the donations going to are those with a focus on conservation (both of wildlife and the environment as a whole), especially if they are ocean-related, but there will also be some animal shelters and other things mixed in on the local level.

In launching this program, I know that not only am I on the right path in working to make my photography a true business, but also that I have the ability to truly making a difference. To me, that is what matters more than anything.

If you would like to read more about this program, and follow along with updates as they happen, I encourage you to head over to the Photographer’s Promise page - whenever a donation is made, I will add the organization’s logo to that page, and also create a running total for the amount donated over time.

Thank you all so much for your support, and I cannot wait to get the ball rolling with this program!

UPDATE (12/6/2022): The photo of Starlight from Assateague Island featured in the blog post is also a link to that image in my print shop. Certain images, including this one, will see larger amounts of profits donated if they are designated for a specific cause. In the case of this image, and also the other images of the ponies available on my print shop, 25% of profits will be donated to the Assateague Island Alliance to help with their conservation and preservation efforts.


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