Looking Ahead - What Comes Next?
One thing I’ve learned since taking photography from hobby to career, is that you almost always have to look ahead to what comes next. This could be pivotting from one type of photography to another, adding a complementary service to what you already do, or adjusting the types of products you print images on.
Things won’t always go your way, and while it may sting in the moment, you have to let it go and focus on what comes next - learn what you can from it, take it in stride, and look ahead to what comes next.
It is certainly easier said than done - trust me, I’ve been there and pushed through it. But that’s why I’m telling you that if I can do it, you can too.
Whether it was the sting of losing out on Coastal Style’s Best Photographer of Sussex County, not landing a real estate shoot/client, or struggling to sell prints, there have been plenty of times where I could have given up on this journey. Instead, though, I learned from all those scenarios and pressed on.
I know this is definitely not the typical blog post about adventures, photography, or different things that have happened, but it plays into the message I am trying to convey here - always be willing to adjust and change plans along your journey. The experiences you go through are there to teach you and guide you further forward.
Just thinking about how to word this blog post has even put a lot of things into perspective for me. It’s helped me to realize how much I’ve matured since starting down this path (although, I will admit, I do still have my immature moments).
I reached this moment by experiencing so many things and always trying to consider what may come next - and that’s what I will ALWAYS continue to do as I build an even larger platform to connect with you all through to share exciting new images on.
So, now you may be wondering what I have in the works that may have prompted this post. At least, that’s what I’m guessing is running through your mind about now!
First, I am EXTREMELY excited to share that I am getting some greeting cards ready to launch on the Shop! These were a special item requested by my friends over at 26 Ocean Gallery in Rehoboth, but I made sure to get a bunch together to share with you all through the website as well. The gallery is selling them as individual cards, but to make it a little easier on my end, they will be sold as 12 card bundles - there are six designs, and each will be featured twice in the bundles. If you’re wondering what images are on them, they are some of the same aerial photos featured in the Beach Towns calendar - two from Dewey Beach, two from Rehoboth Beach, and two from Lewes. Make sure to keep an eye out for them, as I hope to have them available soon!
I’ve also been working on some outreach to partner with local tourism boards, area attractions, and more to create images and video for them. There have been a few responses that I can’t really get into the details of yet, but I’m excited to see what these opportunities may hold!
Futher down the road, primarily for 2025, I’ve slowly begun to brainstorm what projects I may want to work on, and also seeing if I’ll have any opportunities to travel and bring new content to you all from other places. Don’t get me wrong - the Delaware Beaches are great and full of amazing places (like the Thompson Island Preserve), but I’d love to be able to spice up your feeds with some other images and content. Seeing some amazing images from around the country and world on Instagram and Facebook has really inspired me to figure out a way to get out and capture more than just the local area here if I can!
I’ve also touched on this a few times on Facebook, but in the very short-term, I’m working on some plans to sell out of as much if not all of my current calendar, print, and note card inventory by the end of the year. This aspiration is intended to help clear space for the projects I’m considering for next year that I touched on previously. I have limited space to keep stuff, so that means I have to clear out what I have before I can start anything new!
Finally, on the real estate photography side of the business, I have already started making plans for what my services and rates will look like next year. I know this isn’t likely going to be relevant to most of you reading this post, but I wanted to share it all the same since it fits the theme. Oh, and before I forget, in the short-term I’m also hoping to have a blog page going for that side of the business too - I’ll be sharing different things I have really liked in houses I’ve photographed recently, eye-catching listings, and other things related to real estate photography there. The page is set up, I’m just finalizing a list of content ideas to share on it.
So after all that, are you ready to look ahead to the future as well? I feel like I always finish blog posts this way, but I guess that is because I typically try to be as close to ‘cup half-full’ as I can.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and here’s to the adventures and experiences ahead!
- Tyler
Don’t miss this other content from Tyler Smiley Photography: