Three Years of Photography

Well, the big day has officially arrived! Today marks three years since I started sharing photos through Tyler Smiley Photography on Facebook and Instagram.

Fire Control Towers stand guard at Gordon's Pond as they have since World War 2

The last three years have been crazy to say the least, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. I’ve also been really fortunate to meet some awesome photographers from the Delaware Beaches and interact with many more from across the globe through social media.

This blog post is my way of showing my appreciation to everyone who has joined me on this wild ride for the last three years, and to kick off the start of year four with a review of everything I have learned over the last three, and those who have inspired me along the way.

Dock on Delaware Bay with ominous clouds rolling in

The Things I have Learned

One of the biggest things photography has taught me is patience - You’ve got to be patient to get the shot you want, whether that be a landscape, wildlife image, or any type of shot.

Learning this through photography has helped me apply it to other aspects of my life, including working with people (though at times my patience is definitely pushed to its limit).

Black Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 3.jpg

Photography has also taught me to take some time and relax.

Going out and exploring or sitting on the beach watching the waves roll in are so relaxing and having a camera with me has helped me to really take the time to do just that. I’ve started taking a few days here and there where I won’t take my camera on walks with me - I will just go and walk, letting my mind wander along the way.

I have also realized that I can take some time to do absolutely nothing when I am off from my main job or when I get home in the evenings.

Those who Inspire Me

One of the main reasons I share photography is to show people how awesome the world is, but I also share it to inspire others.

Everyone who reads this post inspires me to keep improving my photography and find new ways to create content. Everyone who supports me by following my journey inspires me to find new places and expriences to share with them.

There are so many more people who inspire me, though, and here are just a few:

  • My family, since they encouraged me to pursue photography as a hobby, starting with smartphone photos and growing it to this point

    • Special shout-out to my Mom and Dad, since I would use their phones when we would go out on our boat, and then for giving me my first camera, an old Kodak that was about 10 years old in 2016 when I started using it

  • Fellow photographers, especially those around the Delaware area, who share amazing images and push me to reach their level. Some of my personal favorites include (links go to their Instagrams):

Drone photo of beach in Cape Henlopen State Park, about 50 feet above ground

As one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies goes:

The past can hurt. But, the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.

- Rafiki (The Lion King)

These past three years have been crazy, and they have gone by really fast. There have been parts that have gone smoothly, and others that have been pretty rough. But you know what? I wouldn’t change anything about those three years.

I’ve had a blast getting into photography, and still enjoy every second of it.

Thank you, not only for taking the time to read this, but also for following along on my photographic journey and adventures.

Here’s to the future! See you all out there!


Wildlife Photography: Using your senses to get the shot


New Year, New Goals