In Review - August and September
Late again! I’m getting really bad about doing these in review posts when I plan to early each month….
Nonetheless, here we are almost all the way through October and I’m looking back at August and September. Those two months were full of fun and I look forward to continuing it in the months ahead.
First, I launched my first photography calendar! This marked the first time I put a calendar together, and it was definitely a lot more involved than what I thought it’d be. You’ve got to make sure you have a cohesive set of images and that is just the start - and let’s not even talk about finding a printer for them.
In the end, the calendar features a set of images from up and down coastal Delaware, highlighting the beauty of the place I am fortunate enough to call home. Initially I included some wildlife images, too, but in the end after getting some feedback on the set on Facebook, those images were replaced with other landscapes. You can check out some of the photos in the calendar in the gallery section below, and you can shop the calendar (if you’d like) at this link.
Additionally, I continued the trend of focusing on wildlife photography. Landscape and wildlife photography are my two favorite types of photography, but for a while I steered away from wildlife work. There is a huge amount of luck involved because you never know what animals may be out and about when you are trekking around looking for them. Even still, I like the challenge of capturing animals in ways others haven’t yet.
That brings me to the last part of this roundup - my favorite photo that I snapped in August and September.
By leaps and bounds it is this photo of a bald eagle in Cape Henlopen State Park. One morning I ventured out to the Gordon’s Pond Trail when I stopped at one of the overlooks on the raised boardwalk section of the trail. As I was turning to keep walking the trail, I saw a huge bird on a tree in the distance. Upon zooming in, I saw it was a bald eagle.
Naturally, I kept taking photos as I walked along the trail to get as many as I could from as many angles as I could. In the end, the eagle was perched on a tree that I could have reached out and touched from the trail - not so far in the distance after all!
This angle and orientation was my favorite of all the shots I snapped that morning, and is, in my opinion, among, if not the single, best wildlife shots I have ever taken since I took up a camera.
Looking ahead, I have some things in the works I hope to be sharing with you all soon - stay tuned for updates here on the blog and on my social media pages!
Catch you out there,