In Review - October
October and the first half of November have come and gone! I can’t believe how fast 2022 has flown by, but that’s how things have shaped up with Thanksgiving just a week away. It’s time to head back in time to review the month of October here at Tyler Smiley Photography, and share some of the exciting things I’ve been up to.
First, I made it out for my first sunset in a very, very long time. My good friend Kevin Lynam (check out his Facebook page here) invited me out to the bayside of the Point one evening, and though I was running late, I managed to snap one truly lovely photo. This shot was a long exposure of about 1.6 seconds or so, looking out toward Cape Henlopen proper.
Despite snapping that landscape and a handful of others, wildlife photography for the most part continued to dominate the works I created. Wildlife photography is such a unique niche within photography because of the challenge. You could spend hours upon hours in a wildlife refuge like Prime Hook in Milton or on a trail like Gordon’s Pond and leave with maybe 100 photos of which you get 5 that are passable. Other times, you may leave with a couple hundred photos and have far more that are passable. It’s the nature of wildlife photography, but the challenge is what makes the ones that come out as desired that much more worth while.
That brings us to the point of the In Review series where I share my favorite shot from the month!
For October, my choice for personal favorite is this shot of a Northern Flicker I snapped in Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge.
This Flicker lives near one of the many trails in the refuge, and I see it on every time I make the trip up to Prime Hook. The day I snapped this photo, it flew over me as I walked on the trail and landed on the tree it is perched on in this photo.
In particular this photo stuck out to me because of how the lighting played in the image. The contrast between the darker, primarily shadowed foreground and the brightly lit background is a really pleasing scene. I also like the tones of all the colors in the photo - they are all in the red/orange/yellow part of the spectrum, but that goes nicely with the plumage of the bird as well.
Now that we are caught up on October, it is time to look ahead to the future and share some things I am working on with you all! If you caught the recent announcement, I recently started photography full-time, so while I won’t touch on that much in this post, it is an exciting change that has me really looking forward to the future.
I am also excited to share that I am working on setting up a YouTube page for my photography - I’m not sure what direction I want to take that in yet, but once I do you can expect some additional content from that channel.
As far as content, I also hope to make some more trips to Assateague Island in the coming weeks. Recently I made my first as a photographer to the island and it was super exciting! There was so much to see, but I can’t wait to put my own unique touch on it all.
Well, that’s your monthly In Review post - I’ve got some work to get back to and can’t wait to create more to share with you all soon!
Catch you out there,
PS: As I was writing this blog post, the Facebook page officially passed 900 followers! This is a milestone I’ve been working toward for a long time and I am SUPER appreciative of all the support from all 900 of you. Thank you for your continued support and I can’t thank you enough!