In Review - February 2023

Another month has come and gone, which means it is now time for another edition of In Review!

February 2023 was an odd month because, unfortunately, I came down with Covid the weekend of the Super Bowl. This had me sidelined for a while as I isolated, but once that period was over, it was full-steam ahead.

The next week saw a total of five real estate shoots over a period of six days. They ranged in location from Berlin, Marland to Seaford and Milton in Delaware. Getting to do shoots like these for realtors is a lot of fun, as it lets me stay connected with the real estate industry while pursuing something I thoroughly enjoy in photography.

Aside from those shoots, I spent plenty of time out in nature as well. Fisher is slowly starting to tag along on some adventures with me, including a beach walk just a week or so ago. It is my hope that he can eventually join me on most of my adventures, but first he needs to learn how to behave which is a very large work in progress due to how much energy the little guy has!

The adventures saw me out on the Gordon’s Pond Trail and in Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge mostly. These treks and walks have seen several new additions to the Birds of Delmarva Project, which as of writing this post is officially over 30 entries captured. February also saw another adventure with my friend Kevin Lynam up the Broadkill River, where we surprisingly saw an injured seal pup (here’s a link to his post about it - I highly encourage you to check it out). That boating trip also included some herons, eagles, as well as some other types of birds.

And how could I forget the day I spent in Cape May completing some photography work for the Cape May County Zoo! That was such a fun day, and is a trip I highly recommend anyone make if they’re looking for something different to do during a stay at the Delaware Beaches. Some of the photos I snapped from the job are available in my print shop, with 20% of the profits getting donated back to the zoo since they are fully funded by donations.

Now we can move into the best part of the In Review series - my favorite photo from the month. In February, that would have to be the shot below of a Barred Owl I saw during one of my adventures. As I was leaving this undisclosed location (in an effort to minimize any stress on the animal), I noticed a large bird perched in a nearby tree. So, I parked the Jeep and tried to get a better angle - lo and behold it was this barred owl. Just as I was getting ready to snap a photo, it flushed and landed on the branch it is on in this photo, which I snapped from the Jeep to not stress the owl any more than I already had.

Looking ahead to the month of March, I’m looking forward to getting some more photos printed and ready to share with you all (in case you missed it, I launched some limited edition prints in February that you can shop here). I’m also working on getting a page set up with all the equipment I currently use, or have used in the past. The page will have links to those same or similar products on Amazon so that, if you are ever interested, you can get the same equipment I use during my adventures.

I hope you all have enjoyed this look back at the month of February as much as I have! Despite getting Covid, it was a great month overall and I can’t wait to see what March has in store.

Thanks for tagging along, and see you all out there!

- Tyler

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