In Review - January 2023

Woah, where did January go?! I can’t believe how fast we have seen the first month of 2023 come and go.

Still, it’s been a really exciting month to get the year started! Let’s take a quick look back at some of the goings on here at Tyler Smiley Photography, and a sneak peek at some of the things that are in the works for the month of February and beyond!

First, the real estate photography side of the business has slowly but surely gotten out of the gate for 2023! It took a little time, but now that it is going I can’t wait to take it to the next level. I only had two shoots, but have a few more on the books that I’m looking forward to working on! Though I’m no longer practicing real estate, this niche of photography is fun because it allows me to stay involved in the industry and see what the market is doing (which right now, seems to be picking up a little bit since the holidays are over). If you want to keep up with what I’m doing with real estate photography, be sure to drop a follow on the designated Facebook and Instagram pages for that side of the business.

Moving on, January saw the launch of the 2023 Birds of Delmarva Project! This is a project I took on back in 2019 when I was still really early on with photography. Now seemed like a great time to break it back out to see how I’ve grown and evolved as a photographer. Plus, the expanded area of the entire Delmarva Peninsula makes it really enticing to get out and explore the area around me more than I did previously. As of writing, I’m already over 10% through the 100 bird minimum! Can’t wait to see what else I capture in the weeks and months ahead to add to the list!

This also seems like a good time to add that, as mentioned previously, all the photos I take as part of this project will be listed for sale in my print shop! Any time one of the images in the collection is purchased as a print, 20% of the profits from those sales will be donated to the Delaware Audubon Society to help in their conservation efforts related to birds in the state.

I’m also excited to share that I’ve landed partnerships for freelance photography with the Pennsylvania and Delaware chapter of The Nature Conservancy and the Cape May County Zoo in January! Both partnerships haven’t seen any work completed yet, but I’m hoping to cross the Delaware Bay and do the shoot for the Zoo in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to see some of that work as it happens!

Let’s wrap up with my favorite part of the In Review series - my favorite photo of the month.

For January, it was a tough choice but ultimately I had to go with the above photo of a fox snapped in the corn field behind my house. Fisher was barking at it from the window, and when I saw it, immediately grabbed my camera to get some shots of it. Since it was a cloudy day, it really lent itself to a dark and moody style than I normally do, but it came out so well in the end. So well, in fact, that I have thought about getting it as a print for myself (and still might for that matter).

Phew, well I think that’s about it for January! Here’s to the excitement ahead the February brings us!

See you all out there,


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In Review - February 2023


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