UPDATE - Photographer’s Promise

Hey there! I have some really exciting news to share with you all today!

Remember late last year when I introduced the Photographer’s Promise? This philanthropic effort is something I decided to launch because I believe the platform my photography has given me should be used to do good in the community, not just bring in a little extra spending money for me.

Well, today I officially made the first donation for the Photographer’s Promise! So far in 2022, I have sold four prints for a and the total donation resulting from those four prints came to $45.00.

For this initial donation, I chose to give the money to The Ocean Foundation. This non-profit helps fund various projects around the world, all with the goal of helping clean the oceans or promoting conservation of the oceans and marine life.

Living at the beach, this is something I feel is incredibly important to support. There are a lot of activities I enjoy that rely on the oceans, bays, and beaches being clean - ranging from beachcombing and paddleboarding to fishing and crabbing - so this was a natural fit for the first donation.

If you want to read more about the Photographer’s Promise or keep track of the running donation total, you can read all about the program here.

If you want to join me in donating to The Ocean Foundation, or just learn more about their efforts and programs, head over to their website at www.oceanfdn.org.


In Review - April and May


In Review - March 2022