In Review - April and May
Happy unofficial start to summer! We are getting into the busy season here at the Delaware Beaches, and I haven’t had a chance to get in and do a blog post until now to look back at April. To make up for it, let’s take a look back at both April and May since June is just a few days away! 2022 has been flying by, so going back and doing these recaps is a great way to show personal growth in my photography journey, and also to share some things that have been going on behind the scenes with you all.
To start things off, let’s go back and look at some of the properties I photographed with my drone in the last two months! Remember back in the March edition of this blog post how I mentioned having gotten my FAA Drone License? Well, it’s been put to good use over the last two months!
These three houses were taken for the rental team at my full-time job with Coldwell Banker. The one on the beach is on Shore Drive in Prime Hook Beach in Milford, while the other two are in Cape Shores in Lewes. All three have really great locations, sitting close to the beach, so they were really fun to shoot. Of the three, I would say the most fun was the house in Prime Hook Beach because of how it sits between the Delaware Bay and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge - it’s a semi-isolated location, but such a great place to stay if you want to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life!
April and May have also been a time of getting back in to a little bit of wildlife photography! During a trip out to the Peninsula for my full-time job, I was fortunate enough to explore their community nature trail, which is just a little boardwalk area that loops around a small section of marsh. There, I snapped a few shots of some birds out enjoying the marshlands like egrets and geese.
It’s also where I took the photo to the left of a mourning dove. This dove was sitting just off the boardwalk, completely out of sight. If I hadn’t accidentally scared it, then I never would have seen it.
Thankfully, it didn’t fly too far off and I was able to zoom in really tight with my 150 - 600 mm lens to get this shot. It came out even better than I thought it would in the moment, really putting into perspective how amazing that particular lens is. I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to use it even more in the coming months - after all, it’s getting into osprey season, meaning plenty of great photo ops!
In addition to all these developments and goings on with photography, if you’ve seen any of the stories I posted on Facebook or Instagram, then you’ve seen a big change in my life outside photography. For those who haven’t seen them yet - I adopted a puppy! He’s a five month old retriever mix from Brandywine Valley SPCA in Georgetown, named Fisher! To say he’s been keeping me busy has been an understatement, but I’m glad to report in the two weeks that he’s been home he has acclimated very well. And don’t worry - there’ll be plenty of photos of him coming soon!
To say these last two months have been exciting would be an understatement, but I am also extremely excited to see what the months ahead bring as well! Hope you all enjoyed catching up and I’ll see you all out there!